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<?php namespace Spatie\Permission; use Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager; use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Authorizable; use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate; use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository; use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection; use Spatie\Permission\Contracts\Permission; use Spatie\Permission\Contracts\Role; class PermissionRegistrar { /** @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository */ protected $cache; /** @var \Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager */ protected $cacheManager; /** @var string */ protected $permissionClass; /** @var string */ protected $roleClass; /** @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ protected $permissions; /** @var string */ public static $pivotRole; /** @var string */ public static $pivotPermission; /** @var \DateInterval|int */ public static $cacheExpirationTime; /** @var bool */ public static $teams; /** @var string */ public static $teamsKey; /** @var int|string */ protected $teamId = null; /** @var string */ public static $cacheKey; /** @var array */ private $cachedRoles = []; /** @var array */ private $alias = []; /** @var array */ private $except = []; /** * PermissionRegistrar constructor. */ public function __construct(CacheManager $cacheManager) { $this->permissionClass = config('permission.models.permission'); $this->roleClass = config('permission.models.role'); $this->cacheManager = $cacheManager; $this->initializeCache(); } public function initializeCache() { self::$cacheExpirationTime = config('permission.cache.expiration_time') ?: \DateInterval::createFromDateString('24 hours'); self::$teams = config('permission.teams', false); self::$teamsKey = config('permission.column_names.team_foreign_key'); self::$cacheKey = config('permission.cache.key'); self::$pivotRole = config('permission.column_names.role_pivot_key') ?: 'role_id'; self::$pivotPermission = config('permission.column_names.permission_pivot_key') ?: 'permission_id'; $this->cache = $this->getCacheStoreFromConfig(); } protected function getCacheStoreFromConfig(): Repository { // the 'default' fallback here is from the permission.php config file, // where 'default' means to use config(cache.default) $cacheDriver = config('permission.cache.store', 'default'); // when 'default' is specified, no action is required since we already have the default instance if ($cacheDriver === 'default') { return $this->cacheManager->store(); } // if an undefined cache store is specified, fallback to 'array' which is Laravel's closest equiv to 'none' if (! \array_key_exists($cacheDriver, config('cache.stores'))) { $cacheDriver = 'array'; } return $this->cacheManager->store($cacheDriver); } /** * Set the team id for teams/groups support, this id is used when querying permissions/roles * * @param int|string|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $id */ public function setPermissionsTeamId($id) { if ($id instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model) { $id = $id->getKey(); } $this->teamId = $id; } /** * @return int|string */ public function getPermissionsTeamId() { return $this->teamId; } /** * Register the permission check method on the gate. * We resolve the Gate fresh here, for benefit of long-running instances. */ public function registerPermissions(): bool { app(Gate::class)->before(function (Authorizable $user, string $ability) { if (method_exists($user, 'checkPermissionTo')) { return $user->checkPermissionTo($ability) ?: null; } }); return true; } /** * Flush the cache. */ public function forgetCachedPermissions() { $this->permissions = null; return $this->cache->forget(self::$cacheKey); } /** * Clear class permissions. * This is only intended to be called by the PermissionServiceProvider on boot, * so that long-running instances like Swoole don't keep old data in memory. */ public function clearClassPermissions() { $this->permissions = null; } /** * Load permissions from cache * This get cache and turns array into \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ private function loadPermissions() { if ($this->permissions) { return; } $this->permissions = $this->cache->remember(self::$cacheKey, self::$cacheExpirationTime, function () { return $this->getSerializedPermissionsForCache(); }); // fallback for old cache method, must be removed on next mayor version if (! isset($this->permissions['alias'])) { $this->forgetCachedPermissions(); $this->loadPermissions(); return; } $this->alias = $this->permissions['alias']; $this->hydrateRolesCache(); $this->permissions = $this->getHydratedPermissionCollection(); $this->cachedRoles = $this->alias = $this->except = []; } /** * Get the permissions based on the passed params. */ public function getPermissions(array $params = [], bool $onlyOne = false): Collection { $this->loadPermissions(); $method = $onlyOne ? 'first' : 'filter'; $permissions = $this->permissions->$method(static function ($permission) use ($params) { foreach ($params as $attr => $value) { if ($permission->getAttribute($attr) != $value) { return false; } } return true; }); if ($onlyOne) { $permissions = new Collection($permissions ? [$permissions] : []); } return $permissions; } /** * Get an instance of the permission class. */ public function getPermissionClass(): Permission { return app($this->permissionClass); } public function setPermissionClass($permissionClass) { $this->permissionClass = $permissionClass; config()->set('permission.models.permission', $permissionClass); app()->bind(Permission::class, $permissionClass); return $this; } /** * Get an instance of the role class. */ public function getRoleClass(): Role { return app($this->roleClass); } public function setRoleClass($roleClass) { $this->roleClass = $roleClass; config()->set('permission.models.role', $roleClass); app()->bind(Role::class, $roleClass); return $this; } public function getCacheRepository(): Repository { return $this->cache; } public function getCacheStore(): Store { return $this->cache->getStore(); } protected function getPermissionsWithRoles(): Collection { return $this->getPermissionClass()->select()->with('roles')->get(); } /** * Changes array keys with alias */ private function aliasedArray($model): array { return collect(is_array($model) ? $model : $model->getAttributes())->except($this->except) ->keyBy(function ($value, $key) { return $this->alias[$key] ?? $key; })->all(); } /** * Array for cache alias */ private function aliasModelFields($newKeys = []): void { $i = 0; $alphas = ! count($this->alias) ? range('a', 'h') : range('j', 'p'); foreach (array_keys($newKeys->getAttributes()) as $value) { if (! isset($this->alias[$value])) { $this->alias[$value] = $alphas[$i++] ?? $value; } } $this->alias = array_diff_key($this->alias, array_flip($this->except)); } /* * Make the cache smaller using an array with only required fields */ private function getSerializedPermissionsForCache() { $this->except = config('permission.cache.column_names_except', ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at']); $permissions = $this->getPermissionsWithRoles() ->map(function ($permission) { if (! $this->alias) { $this->aliasModelFields($permission); } return $this->aliasedArray($permission) + $this->getSerializedRoleRelation($permission); })->all(); $roles = array_values($this->cachedRoles); $this->cachedRoles = []; return ['alias' => array_flip($this->alias)] + compact('permissions', 'roles'); } private function getSerializedRoleRelation($permission) { if (! $permission->roles->count()) { return []; } if (! isset($this->alias['roles'])) { $this->alias['roles'] = 'r'; $this->aliasModelFields($permission->roles[0]); } return [ 'r' => $permission->roles->map(function ($role) { if (! isset($this->cachedRoles[$role->getKey()])) { $this->cachedRoles[$role->getKey()] = $this->aliasedArray($role); } return $role->getKey(); })->all(), ]; } private function getHydratedPermissionCollection() { $permissionClass = $this->getPermissionClass(); $permissionInstance = new $permissionClass(); return Collection::make( array_map(function ($item) use ($permissionInstance) { return $permissionInstance ->newFromBuilder($this->aliasedArray(array_diff_key($item, ['r' => 0]))) ->setRelation('roles', $this->getHydratedRoleCollection($item['r'] ?? [])); }, $this->permissions['permissions']) ); } private function getHydratedRoleCollection(array $roles) { return Collection::make(array_values( array_intersect_key($this->cachedRoles, array_flip($roles)) )); } private function hydrateRolesCache() { $roleClass = $this->getRoleClass(); $roleInstance = new $roleClass(); array_map(function ($item) use ($roleInstance) { $role = $roleInstance->newFromBuilder($this->aliasedArray($item)); $this->cachedRoles[$role->getKey()] = $role; }, $this->permissions['roles']); $this->permissions['roles'] = []; } }