Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php namespace UniSharp\LaravelFilemanager; use Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository as Config; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use UniSharp\LaravelFilemanager\Middlewares\CreateDefaultFolder; use UniSharp\LaravelFilemanager\Middlewares\MultiUser; class Lfm { const PACKAGE_NAME = 'laravel-filemanager'; const DS = '/'; protected $config; protected $request; public function __construct(Config $config = null, Request $request = null) { $this->config = $config; $this->request = $request; } public function getStorage($storage_path) { return new LfmStorageRepository($storage_path, $this); } public function input($key) { return $this->translateFromUtf8($this->request->input($key)); } public function config($key) { return $this->config->get('lfm.' . $key); } /** * Get only the file name. * * @param string $path Real path of a file. * @return string */ public function getNameFromPath($path) { return $this->utf8Pathinfo($path, 'basename'); } public function utf8Pathinfo($path, $part_name) { // XXX: all locale work-around for issue: utf8 file name got emptified // if there's no '/', we're probably dealing with just a filename // so just put an 'a' in front of it if (strpos($path, '/') === false) { $path_parts = pathinfo('a' . $path); } else { $path = str_replace('/', '/a', $path); $path_parts = pathinfo($path); } return substr($path_parts[$part_name], 1); } public function allowFolderType($type) { if ($type == 'user') { return $this->allowMultiUser(); } else { return $this->allowShareFolder(); } } public function getCategoryName() { $type = $this->currentLfmType(); return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $type . '.folder_name', 'files'); } /** * Get current lfm type. * * @return string */ public function currentLfmType() { $lfm_type = 'file'; $request_type = lcfirst(Str::singular($this->input('type') ?: '')); $available_types = array_keys($this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories') ?: []); if (in_array($request_type, $available_types)) { $lfm_type = $request_type; } return $lfm_type; } public function getDisplayMode() { $type_key = $this->currentLfmType(); $startup_view = $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $type_key . '.startup_view'); $view_type = 'grid'; $target_display_type = $this->input('show_list') ?: $startup_view; if (in_array($target_display_type, ['list', 'grid'])) { $view_type = $target_display_type; } return $view_type; } public function getUserSlug() { $config = $this->config->get('lfm.private_folder_name'); if (is_callable($config)) { return call_user_func($config); } if (class_exists($config)) { return app()->make($config)->userField(); } return empty(auth()->user()) ? '' : auth()->user()->$config; } public function getRootFolder($type = null) { if (is_null($type)) { $type = 'share'; if ($this->allowFolderType('user')) { $type = 'user'; } } if ($type === 'user') { $folder = $this->getUserSlug(); } else { $folder = $this->config->get('lfm.shared_folder_name'); } // the slash is for url, dont replace it with directory seperator return '/' . $folder; } public function getThumbFolderName() { return $this->config->get('lfm.thumb_folder_name'); } public function getFileType($ext) { return $this->config->get("lfm.file_type_array.{$ext}", 'File'); } public function availableMimeTypes() { return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $this->currentLfmType() . '.valid_mime'); } public function shouldCreateCategoryThumb() { return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $this->currentLfmType() . '.thumb'); } public function categoryThumbWidth() { return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $this->currentLfmType() . '.thumb_width'); } public function categoryThumbHeight() { return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $this->currentLfmType() . '.thumb_height'); } public function maxUploadSize() { return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $this->currentLfmType() . '.max_size'); } public function getPaginationPerPage() { return $this->config->get("lfm.paginator.perPage", 30); } /** * Check if users are allowed to use their private folders. * * @return bool */ public function allowMultiUser() { $type_key = $this->currentLfmType(); if ($this->config->has('lfm.folder_categories.' . $type_key . '.allow_private_folder')) { return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $type_key . '.allow_private_folder') === true; } return $this->config->get('lfm.allow_private_folder') === true; } /** * Check if users are allowed to use the shared folder. * This can be disabled only when allowMultiUser() is true. * * @return bool */ public function allowShareFolder() { if (! $this->allowMultiUser()) { return true; } $type_key = $this->currentLfmType(); if ($this->config->has('lfm.folder_categories.' . $type_key . '.allow_shared_folder')) { return $this->config->get('lfm.folder_categories.' . $type_key . '.allow_shared_folder') === true; } return $this->config->get('lfm.allow_shared_folder') === true; } /** * Translate file name to make it compatible on Windows. * * @param string $input Any string. * @return string */ public function translateFromUtf8($input) { if ($this->isRunningOnWindows()) { $input = iconv('UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($input), $input); } return $input; } /** * Get directory seperator of current operating system. * * @return string */ public function ds() { $ds = Lfm::DS; if ($this->isRunningOnWindows()) { $ds = '\\'; } return $ds; } /** * Check current operating system is Windows or not. * * @return bool */ public function isRunningOnWindows() { return strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'; } /** * Shorter function of getting localized error message.. * * @param mixed $error_type Key of message in lang file. * @param mixed $variables Variables the message needs. * @return string */ public function error($error_type, $variables = []) { throw new \Exception(trans(self::PACKAGE_NAME . '::lfm.error-' . $error_type, $variables)); } /** * Generates routes of this package. * * @return void */ public static function routes() { $middleware = [ CreateDefaultFolder::class, MultiUser::class ]; $as = 'unisharp.lfm.'; $namespace = '\\UniSharp\\LaravelFilemanager\\Controllers\\'; Route::group(compact('middleware', 'as', 'namespace'), function () { // display main layout Route::get('/', [ 'uses' => 'LfmController@show', 'as' => 'show', ]); // display integration error messages Route::get('/errors', [ 'uses' => 'LfmController@getErrors', 'as' => 'getErrors', ]); // upload Route::any('/upload', [ 'uses' => 'UploadController@upload', 'as' => 'upload', ]); // list images & files Route::get('/jsonitems', [ 'uses' => 'ItemsController@getItems', 'as' => 'getItems', ]); Route::get('/move', [ 'uses' => 'ItemsController@move', 'as' => 'move', ]); Route::get('/domove', [ 'uses' => 'ItemsController@doMove', 'as' => 'doMove' ]); // folders Route::get('/newfolder', [ 'uses' => 'FolderController@getAddfolder', 'as' => 'getAddfolder', ]); // list folders Route::get('/folders', [ 'uses' => 'FolderController@getFolders', 'as' => 'getFolders', ]); // crop Route::get('/crop', [ 'uses' => 'CropController@getCrop', 'as' => 'getCrop', ]); Route::get('/cropimage', [ 'uses' => 'CropController@getCropImage', 'as' => 'getCropImage', ]); Route::get('/cropnewimage', [ 'uses' => 'CropController@getNewCropImage', 'as' => 'getNewCropImage', ]); // rename Route::get('/rename', [ 'uses' => 'RenameController@getRename', 'as' => 'getRename', ]); // scale/resize Route::get('/resize', [ 'uses' => 'ResizeController@getResize', 'as' => 'getResize', ]); Route::get('/doresize', [ 'uses' => 'ResizeController@performResize', 'as' => 'performResize', ]); Route::get('/doresizenew', [ 'uses' => 'ResizeController@performResizeNew', 'as' => 'performResizeNew', ]); // download Route::get('/download', [ 'uses' => 'DownloadController@getDownload', 'as' => 'getDownload', ]); // delete Route::get('/delete', [ 'uses' => 'DeleteController@getDelete', 'as' => 'getDelete', ]); Route::get('/demo', 'DemoController@index'); }); } }