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<?php # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: google/api/client.proto namespace Google\Api; use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType; use Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField; use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil; /** * Details about how and where to publish client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf message <code>google.api.ClientLibrarySettings</code> */ class ClientLibrarySettings extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message { /** * Version of the API to apply these settings to. This is the full protobuf * package for the API, ending in the version element. * Examples: "google.cloud.speech.v1" and "google.spanner.admin.database.v1". * * Generated from protobuf field <code>string version = 1;</code> */ protected $version = ''; /** * Launch stage of this version of the API. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.LaunchStage launch_stage = 2;</code> */ protected $launch_stage = 0; /** * When using transport=rest, the client request will encode enums as * numbers rather than strings. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>bool rest_numeric_enums = 3;</code> */ protected $rest_numeric_enums = false; /** * Settings for legacy Java features, supported in the Service YAML. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.JavaSettings java_settings = 21;</code> */ protected $java_settings = null; /** * Settings for C++ client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.CppSettings cpp_settings = 22;</code> */ protected $cpp_settings = null; /** * Settings for PHP client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.PhpSettings php_settings = 23;</code> */ protected $php_settings = null; /** * Settings for Python client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.PythonSettings python_settings = 24;</code> */ protected $python_settings = null; /** * Settings for Node client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.NodeSettings node_settings = 25;</code> */ protected $node_settings = null; /** * Settings for .NET client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.DotnetSettings dotnet_settings = 26;</code> */ protected $dotnet_settings = null; /** * Settings for Ruby client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.RubySettings ruby_settings = 27;</code> */ protected $ruby_settings = null; /** * Settings for Go client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.GoSettings go_settings = 28;</code> */ protected $go_settings = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $data { * Optional. Data for populating the Message object. * * @type string $version * Version of the API to apply these settings to. This is the full protobuf * package for the API, ending in the version element. * Examples: "google.cloud.speech.v1" and "google.spanner.admin.database.v1". * @type int $launch_stage * Launch stage of this version of the API. * @type bool $rest_numeric_enums * When using transport=rest, the client request will encode enums as * numbers rather than strings. * @type \Google\Api\JavaSettings $java_settings * Settings for legacy Java features, supported in the Service YAML. * @type \Google\Api\CppSettings $cpp_settings * Settings for C++ client libraries. * @type \Google\Api\PhpSettings $php_settings * Settings for PHP client libraries. * @type \Google\Api\PythonSettings $python_settings * Settings for Python client libraries. * @type \Google\Api\NodeSettings $node_settings * Settings for Node client libraries. * @type \Google\Api\DotnetSettings $dotnet_settings * Settings for .NET client libraries. * @type \Google\Api\RubySettings $ruby_settings * Settings for Ruby client libraries. * @type \Google\Api\GoSettings $go_settings * Settings for Go client libraries. * } */ public function __construct($data = NULL) { \GPBMetadata\Google\Api\Client::initOnce(); parent::__construct($data); } /** * Version of the API to apply these settings to. This is the full protobuf * package for the API, ending in the version element. * Examples: "google.cloud.speech.v1" and "google.spanner.admin.database.v1". * * Generated from protobuf field <code>string version = 1;</code> * @return string */ public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } /** * Version of the API to apply these settings to. This is the full protobuf * package for the API, ending in the version element. * Examples: "google.cloud.speech.v1" and "google.spanner.admin.database.v1". * * Generated from protobuf field <code>string version = 1;</code> * @param string $var * @return $this */ public function setVersion($var) { GPBUtil::checkString($var, True); $this->version = $var; return $this; } /** * Launch stage of this version of the API. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.LaunchStage launch_stage = 2;</code> * @return int */ public function getLaunchStage() { return $this->launch_stage; } /** * Launch stage of this version of the API. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.LaunchStage launch_stage = 2;</code> * @param int $var * @return $this */ public function setLaunchStage($var) { GPBUtil::checkEnum($var, \Google\Api\LaunchStage::class); $this->launch_stage = $var; return $this; } /** * When using transport=rest, the client request will encode enums as * numbers rather than strings. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>bool rest_numeric_enums = 3;</code> * @return bool */ public function getRestNumericEnums() { return $this->rest_numeric_enums; } /** * When using transport=rest, the client request will encode enums as * numbers rather than strings. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>bool rest_numeric_enums = 3;</code> * @param bool $var * @return $this */ public function setRestNumericEnums($var) { GPBUtil::checkBool($var); $this->rest_numeric_enums = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for legacy Java features, supported in the Service YAML. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.JavaSettings java_settings = 21;</code> * @return \Google\Api\JavaSettings|null */ public function getJavaSettings() { return $this->java_settings; } public function hasJavaSettings() { return isset($this->java_settings); } public function clearJavaSettings() { unset($this->java_settings); } /** * Settings for legacy Java features, supported in the Service YAML. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.JavaSettings java_settings = 21;</code> * @param \Google\Api\JavaSettings $var * @return $this */ public function setJavaSettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\JavaSettings::class); $this->java_settings = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for C++ client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.CppSettings cpp_settings = 22;</code> * @return \Google\Api\CppSettings|null */ public function getCppSettings() { return $this->cpp_settings; } public function hasCppSettings() { return isset($this->cpp_settings); } public function clearCppSettings() { unset($this->cpp_settings); } /** * Settings for C++ client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.CppSettings cpp_settings = 22;</code> * @param \Google\Api\CppSettings $var * @return $this */ public function setCppSettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\CppSettings::class); $this->cpp_settings = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for PHP client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.PhpSettings php_settings = 23;</code> * @return \Google\Api\PhpSettings|null */ public function getPhpSettings() { return $this->php_settings; } public function hasPhpSettings() { return isset($this->php_settings); } public function clearPhpSettings() { unset($this->php_settings); } /** * Settings for PHP client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.PhpSettings php_settings = 23;</code> * @param \Google\Api\PhpSettings $var * @return $this */ public function setPhpSettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\PhpSettings::class); $this->php_settings = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for Python client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.PythonSettings python_settings = 24;</code> * @return \Google\Api\PythonSettings|null */ public function getPythonSettings() { return $this->python_settings; } public function hasPythonSettings() { return isset($this->python_settings); } public function clearPythonSettings() { unset($this->python_settings); } /** * Settings for Python client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.PythonSettings python_settings = 24;</code> * @param \Google\Api\PythonSettings $var * @return $this */ public function setPythonSettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\PythonSettings::class); $this->python_settings = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for Node client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.NodeSettings node_settings = 25;</code> * @return \Google\Api\NodeSettings|null */ public function getNodeSettings() { return $this->node_settings; } public function hasNodeSettings() { return isset($this->node_settings); } public function clearNodeSettings() { unset($this->node_settings); } /** * Settings for Node client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.NodeSettings node_settings = 25;</code> * @param \Google\Api\NodeSettings $var * @return $this */ public function setNodeSettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\NodeSettings::class); $this->node_settings = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for .NET client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.DotnetSettings dotnet_settings = 26;</code> * @return \Google\Api\DotnetSettings|null */ public function getDotnetSettings() { return $this->dotnet_settings; } public function hasDotnetSettings() { return isset($this->dotnet_settings); } public function clearDotnetSettings() { unset($this->dotnet_settings); } /** * Settings for .NET client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.DotnetSettings dotnet_settings = 26;</code> * @param \Google\Api\DotnetSettings $var * @return $this */ public function setDotnetSettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\DotnetSettings::class); $this->dotnet_settings = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for Ruby client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.RubySettings ruby_settings = 27;</code> * @return \Google\Api\RubySettings|null */ public function getRubySettings() { return $this->ruby_settings; } public function hasRubySettings() { return isset($this->ruby_settings); } public function clearRubySettings() { unset($this->ruby_settings); } /** * Settings for Ruby client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.RubySettings ruby_settings = 27;</code> * @param \Google\Api\RubySettings $var * @return $this */ public function setRubySettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\RubySettings::class); $this->ruby_settings = $var; return $this; } /** * Settings for Go client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.GoSettings go_settings = 28;</code> * @return \Google\Api\GoSettings|null */ public function getGoSettings() { return $this->go_settings; } public function hasGoSettings() { return isset($this->go_settings); } public function clearGoSettings() { unset($this->go_settings); } /** * Settings for Go client libraries. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>.google.api.GoSettings go_settings = 28;</code> * @param \Google\Api\GoSettings $var * @return $this */ public function setGoSettings($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Api\GoSettings::class); $this->go_settings = $var; return $this; } }