Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php return [ 'Branch' => 'Branch', 'Group' => 'Group', 'Branches' => 'Branches', 'Branch List' => 'Branch List', 'Add Branch' => 'Add Branch', 'Add New Branch' => 'Add New Branch', 'Code' => 'Code', 'Parent' => 'Parent', 'Update Branch' => 'Update Branch', 'Insert Before' => 'Insert Before', 'Insert After' => 'Insert After', 'Insert Subordinate' => 'Insert Subordinate', 'Add Group' => 'Add Group', 'Import Org Chart' => 'Import Org Chart', 'Import Org' => 'Import Org', 'Browse Excel File' => 'Browse Excel File', 'Sample Download' => 'Sample Download', 'Export Org Chart' => 'Export Org Chart', 'Position' => 'Position', 'Add Position' => 'Add Position', 'Positions' => 'Positions', 'Position List' => 'Position List', 'Add New Position' => 'Add New Position', 'Org Chart' => 'Org Chart', 'Employee ID' => 'Employee ID', 'Start working date' => 'Start working date', 'Position Download' => 'Position Download', 'Org Chart Download' => 'Org Chart Download', 'Filter by Position' => 'Filter by Position', 'You must select one' => 'You must select one', 'Multiple edit not allow' => 'Multiple edit not allow', 'Student not found' => 'Student not found', 'Change Status' => 'Change Status', 'Are you sure to change status' => 'Are you sure to change status', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'Student Status Successfully Changed' => 'Student Status Successfully Changed', 'Move Org Chart' => 'Move Org Chart', 'Export Student' => 'Export Student', 'Material Source' => 'Material Source', 'Export Material' => 'Export Material', "Filter By Type" => 'Filter By Type', 'Material List' => 'Material List', 'Add Material' => 'Add Material', 'Create Date' => 'Create Date', 'Create By' => 'Create By', 'Add New Material' => 'Add New Material', 'Video' => 'Video', 'Excel' => 'Excel', 'PPT' => 'PPT', 'Doc' => 'Doc', 'PDF' => 'PDF', 'SCORM' => 'SCORM', 'Select Category' => 'Select Category', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Select File' => 'Select File', 'Selected File' => 'Selected File', 'Select Material' => 'Select Material', 'File' => 'File', 'Import' => 'Import', 'Export' => 'Export', 'Item' => 'Item', 'Items' => 'Items', 'Day Remaining' => 'Day Remaining', 'Day' => 'Day', 'Group Name is required' => 'Group Name is required', 'Group Code is required' => 'Group Code is required', 'Is a invalid parent code' => 'Is a invalid parent code', 'Is a already added' => 'Is a already added', 'The Email has already been taken' => 'The Email has already been taken', 'The Employee ID has already been taken' => 'The Employee ID has already been taken', 'Email is required' => 'Email is required', 'Employee ID is required' => 'Employee ID is required', 'Position Code is required' => 'Position Code is required', 'Org Chart Code is required' => 'Org Chart Code is required', 'Invalid File Extension. Allow xls,xlsx format' => 'Invalid File Extension. Allow xls,xlsx format', 'Do not allow to select parent as the same item' => 'Do not allow to select parent as the same item', 'File Format not supported' => 'File Format not supported', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'Instructors already assign' => 'Instructors already assign', 'Material already assign' => 'Material already assign', 'Lessons already assign' => 'Lessons already assign', 'Row no' => 'Row no', 'Child Branches Also Will Delete' => 'Child Branches Also Will Delete', 'End Date Must Be Greater Then Join Date' => 'End Date Must Be Greater Then Join Date', 'Phone Number has already been taken' => 'Phone Number has already been taken', 'Unable to add cart' => 'Unable to add cart', 'Select Default Branch For Register' => 'Select Default Branch For Register', 'Select Default Branch' => 'Select Default Branch', 'Navigate after login for special Org chart branch' => 'Navigate after login for special Org chart branch', 'Select special Org Chart branch' => 'Select special Org Chart branch', 'Navigate special branch After Login' => 'Navigate special branch After Login', 'Job Position' => 'Job Position', 'Offline Class' => 'Offline Class', 'Virtual class' => 'Virtual class', 'News' => 'News', 'See details' => 'See details', 'Send' => 'Send', 'Date' => 'Date', 'No Class Enrolled Yet' => 'No Class Enrolled Yet', 'No Quiz Enrolled Yet' => 'No Quiz Enrolled Yet', 'No Course Enrolled Yet' => 'No Course Enrolled Yet', 'Not Started' => 'Not Started', 'Started' => 'Started', 'Completed' => 'Completed', 'All' => 'All', 'Online quizzes' => 'Online quizzes', 'Offline quizzes' => 'Offline quizzes', 'Participation' => 'Participation', 'See answer sheet' => 'See answer sheet', 'View reply history' => 'View reply history', 'Read more' => 'Read more', 'Mark As Read' => 'Mark As Read', 'Limitless' => 'Limitless', 'has just finished' => 'has just finished', 'has just rated' => 'has just rated', 'has just commented' => 'has just commented', 'Recent activities' => 'Recent activities', 'Featured open courses' => 'Featured open courses', 'Teacher' => 'Teacher', 'Lesson' => 'Lesson', 'Enroll' => 'Enroll', 'Online' => 'Online', 'Offline' => 'Offline', 'Start date' => 'Start date', 'End date' => 'End date', 'Retest number' => 'Retest number', 'load more' => 'load more', 'LEARNING DASHBOARD' => 'LEARNING DASHBOARD', 'Compulsory' => 'Compulsory', 'Open' => 'Open', 'Online Courses' => 'Online Courses', 'Offline Courses' => 'Offline Courses', 'Learning schedule' => 'Learning schedule', 'Live Class' => 'Live Class', 'Online Quiz' => 'Online Quiz', 'Offline Quiz' => 'Offline Quiz', 'Orgchart Code' => 'Orgchart Code', 'Attend' => 'Attend', 'Total score' => 'Total score', 'Pass Rate' => 'Pass Rate (%)', 'Actual score' => 'Actual score', 'Attend is required' => 'Attend is required', 'For row' => 'For row', 'Actual Score is required' => 'Actual Score is required', 'Pass Role is required' => 'Pass Role is required', 'Class Type' => 'Class Type', 'Classes' => 'Classes', 'Attendance' => 'Attendance', 'Attend Rate' => 'Attend Rate (%)', 'Enrolled Successfully' => 'Enrolled Successfully', 'Invalid Input' => 'Invalid Input', 'Total Score Is Not Numeric' => 'Total Score Is Not Numeric', 'Pass Rate Is Not Numeric' => 'Pass Rate Is Not Numeric', 'Actual Score Is Not Numeric' => 'Actual Score Is Not Numeric', 'Pass Rate can not grater then 100' => 'Pass Rate can not grater then 100', 'Actual score can not grater then total score' => 'Actual score can not grater then total score', 'Same course total must be same' => 'Same course total must be same', 'Not attempt' => 'Not attempt', 'Attempt' => 'Attempt', 'Multi Attempt' => 'Multi Attempt', 'Limited By' => 'Limited By', 'Single Attempt' => 'Single Attempt', 'Category List' => 'Category List', 'Offline Course' => 'Offline Course', 'Notification' => 'Notification', 'Send notification if not started after enroll' => 'Send notification if not started after enroll', 'DAYS' => 'DAYS', 'Number Of Days' => 'Number Of Days', 'Send Via' => 'Send Via', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Browser' => 'Browser', 'Send notification after enrollment' => 'Send notification after enrollment', 'Send notification before expire' => 'Send notification before expire', 'Class Notification' => 'Class Notification', 'Learning Path Notification' => 'Learning Path Notification', 'Send notification when enrollment' => 'Send notification when enrollment', 'Send notification' => 'Send notification', 'Before Class Start' => 'Before Class Start', 'After Enrollment' => 'After Enrollment', 'When Enrollment' => 'When Enrollment', 'fore Expire' => 'fore Expire', 'Before Expire' => 'Before Expire', 'Days' => 'Day(s)', 'Type of milestone' => 'Type of milestone', 'Select 1 option' => 'Select 1 option', 'Target Org Chart Audience' => 'Target Org Chart Audience', 'Target Job Position Audience' => 'Target Job Position Audience', 'Target Org Chart' => 'Target Org Chart', 'Target Job Position' => 'Target Job Position', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'Plan' => 'Plan', 'Browse Student List' => 'Browse Student List', 'Student List' => 'Student List', 'Confirm And Enroll' => 'Confirm And Enroll', 'Version Management' => 'Version Management', 'Version' => 'Version', 'Modified Date' => 'Modified Date', 'Modified By' => 'Modified By', 'Size' => 'Size', 'In Use' => 'In Use', 'Restore' => 'Restore', 'All of' => 'All of', 'previous history versions will be deleted also' => 'previous history versions will be deleted also', 'Remark' => 'Remark', 'System will not send expire warning notification for following cases' => 'System will not send expire warning notification for following cases', 'Expire date' => 'Expire date', 'Student finished all assigned course/quiz/live class of the plan already' => 'Student finished all assigned course/quiz/live class of the plan already', 'Must select at least a class or a plan' => 'Must select at least a class or a plan', 'Must browse file' => 'Must browse file', 'Invalid file extension. Allow xlsx,xls file' => 'Invalid file extension. Allow xlsx,xls file', 'Study' => 'Study', 'Preview' => 'Preview', 'User Management' => 'User Management', 'Users' => 'Users', 'Admin' => 'Admin', 'Role Assign' => 'Role Assign', 'Group Policy' => 'Group Policy', 'L&D Management' => 'L&D Management', 'Test' => 'Test', 'Number of Days' => 'Number of Days', 'Group Policy Assign' => 'Group Policy Assign', 'Accept when having at least email or username. This information must be is unique to login the system' => 'Accept when having at least email or username. This information must be is unique to login the system', 'The Username has already been taken' => 'The Username has already been taken', 'Username is required' => 'Username is required', 'Course Property' => 'Course Property', 'Course Properties' => 'Course Properties', 'Video Supported Files' => 'Video Supported Files', 'Excel File Extension' => 'Excel File Extension', 'Powerpoint Supported Files' => 'Powerpoint Supported Files', 'Word Supported Files' => 'Word Supported Files', 'PDF File Extension' => 'PDF File Extension', 'SCORM/Tin Can File Extension' => 'SCORM/Tin Can File Extension', 'Section' => 'Section', 'Allow access after path expired' => 'Allow access after path expired', 'day(s)' => 'day(s)', 'Timeline' => 'Timeline', 'Icon' => 'Icon', 'days left' => 'days left', 'Learning Path setting' => 'Learning Path setting', 'Start' => 'Start', 'End' => 'End', 'File Upload Failed' => 'File Upload Failed', 'Supervisor' => 'Supervisor', 'Generate Shift' => 'Generate Shift', 'Shift' => 'Shift', 'Change' => 'Change', 'Test Enrolled List' => 'Test Enrolled List', 'Assign method' => 'Assign method', 'Save draft' => 'Save draft', 'Delete draft' => 'Delete draft', 'Shift is required', 'Employee ID not match with any user' => 'Employee ID not match with any user', 'User already enrolled this test' => 'User already enrolled this test', 'Name is required' => 'Name is required', 'Org' => 'Org', 'Row' => 'Row', 'Can not set start time greater then end time' => 'Can not set start time greater then end time', 'All auto enroll rules' => 'All auto enroll rules', 'Rule' => 'Rule', 'Path title' => 'Path title', 'Org Chart Code' => 'Org Chart Code', 'Created by' => 'Created by', 'Created date' => 'Created date', 'Learning path' => 'Learning path', 'Plan list' => 'Plan list', 'Leaderboard point' => 'Leaderboard point', 'Icon upload' => 'Icon upload', 'Allow view score detail' => 'Allow view score detail', 'No Limit' => 'No Limit', 'Set Time' => 'Set Time', 'Start Date' => 'Start Date', 'Start Time' => 'Start Time', 'End Time' => 'End Time', 'Created By' => 'Created By', 'Public Date' => 'Public Date', 'End Date' => 'End Date', 'Participants' => 'Participants', 'Leaderboard' => 'Leaderboard', 'View Detail' => 'View Detail', 'View Org Chart' => 'View Org Chart', 'Q/A in Course' => 'Q/A in Course', 'Create question in thread(>20 words)' => 'Create question in thread(>20 words)', 'Reply/Answer in thread(>20 words)' => 'Reply/Answer in thread(>20 words)', 'Create question in Q/A(>20 words)' => 'Create question in Q/A(>20 words)', 'Reply/Answer in Q/A(>20 words)' => 'Reply/Answer in Q/A(>20 words)', 'Total points' => 'Total points', 'To automatic update leaderboard' => 'To automatic update leaderboard', 'Manually update' => 'Manually update', 'Dynamic menu items' => 'Dynamic menu items', 'App Mobile Setup' => 'App Mobile Setup', 'Student' => 'Student', 'Personal' => 'Personal', 'Corporate' => 'Corporate', // 'ROBERT DOWNEY' => 'ROBERT DOWNEY', // 'UI/UX Designer' => 'UI/UX Designer', 'or' => 'Or', 'Sales department' => 'Sales department', 'Pass' => 'Pass', 'Fail' => 'Fail', 'Offline Attendance History' => 'Offline Attendance History', '100' => '100', 'Class' => 'Class', 'Path' => 'Path', '89/31, 5th Floor Squere villa Manson' => '89/31, 5th Floor Squere villa Manson', 'Venue' => 'Venue', 'MercadoPago' => 'MercadoPago', 'Plan Title' => 'Plan Title', 'Plan Validity' => 'Plan Validity', 'Badge' => 'Badge', 'Certificate' => 'Certificate', 'Your browser does not support HTML video.' => 'Your browser does not support HTML video.', 'Your browser does not support the audio element.' => 'Your browser does not support the audio element.', 'This browser does not support PDF!' => 'This browser does not support PDF!', 'File Not Previewable' => 'File Not Previewable', 'Expiry Date' => 'Expiry Date', 'Add topic' => 'Add topic', 'Add New ORG Topic' => 'Add New ORG Topic', 'Your browser does not support the video.' => 'Your browser does not support the video.', 'Auto' => 'Auto', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'Mark' => 'Mark', 'Percentage' => 'Percentage', 'Rating' => 'Rating', 'Details' => 'Details', 'min' => 'min', 'Question' => 'Question', 'Out' => 'Out', 'Of' => 'Of', 'view all course' => 'view all course', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Type Your Question' => 'Type Your Question', 'Question/Comment' => 'Question/Comment', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Answer' => 'Answer', 'Prev' => 'Prev', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Curriculum' => 'Curriculum', 'Instructor' => 'Instructor', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'QA' => 'QA', 'Forum' => 'Forum', 'Details of the score you have' => 'Details of the score you have', 'scores' => 'scores', 'Total' => 'Total', 'Interactive' => 'Interactive', 'Bookmarks' => 'Bookmarks', 'Enter Your Password' => 'Enter Your Password', 'view all quiz' => 'view all quiz', 'Retest' => 'Retest', 'Reply' => 'Reply', 'Order By' => 'Order By', 'Update Position' => 'Update Position', 'Quiz Rules' => 'Quiz Rules', 'Start Quizes' => 'Start Quizes', 'Start Quiz' => 'Start Quiz', 'View exam history' => 'View exam history', 'You have no permission to access this content' => 'You have no permission to access this content', 'Create discussion' => 'Create discussion', 'Create question' => 'Create question', 'Respond discussion' => 'Respond discussion', 'Respond question' => 'Respond question' ];