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 # BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel [](https://github.com/joisarjignesh/bigbluebutton/LICENSE.md) [](https://packagist.org/packages/joisarjignesh/bigbluebutton) [](https://travis-ci.org/joisarjignesh/bigbluebutton) [](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/joisarjignesh/bigbluebutton) [](https://packagist.org/packages/joisarjignesh/bigbluebutton)  Package that provides easily communicate between BigBlueButton server and laravel framework * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [Api](#Api) * [Check a url and secret working](#check-a-url-and-secret-working) * [Meeting](#meeting) * [Create a meeting](#create-a-meeting) * [Upload slides](#upload-slides) * [End meeting callback url](#end-meeting-callback-url) * [Recording ready callback URL](#recording-ready-callback-url) * [Join a meeting](#join-a-meeting) * [Get a list of meetings](#get-a-list-of-meetings) * [Get meeting info](#get-meeting-info) * [Is a meeting running?](#is-a-meeting-running) * [Close a meeting](#close-a-meeting) * [Recording](#recording) * [Get recordings](#get-recordings) * [Publish recordings](#publish-recordings) * [Delete recordings](#delete-recordings) * [Update recordings](#update-recordings) * [Hooks](#hooks) * [Create Hooks](#hooks-create) * [Destroy Hooks](#hooks-destroy) * [Other](#other) * [Get API version](#get-api-version) * [Unofficial](#unofficial) * [Start a meeting](#start-a-meeting) ## Requirements - Laravel 5.5 or above. ## Installation You can install the package via composer: ```bash composer require joisarjignesh/bigbluebutton ``` After install package publish config file ``` php artisan vendor:publish --tag=bigbluebutton-config ``` ## Usage - Define in config/bigbluebutton.php file ``` BBB_SECURITY_SALT=bbb_secret_key BBB_SERVER_BASE_URL=https://example.com/bigbluebutton/ ``` - For Specific server configuration (only for multiple server by default is optional) ``` 'servers' => [ 'server1' => [ 'BBB_SECURITY_SALT' => '', 'BBB_SERVER_BASE_URL' => '', ], ] ``` After Define salt and url clear old configurations ``` php artisan config:clear ``` ## Api ### Check a url and secret working ```php dd(\Bigbluebutton::isConnect()); //default dd(\Bigbluebutton::server('server1')->isConnect()); //for specific server dd(bigbluebutton()->isConnect()); //using helper method ``` ### Meeting #### Create a meeting - You can create meeting in three ways [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#create) 1.By Passing Array ```php \Bigbluebutton::create([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'meetingName' => 'test meeting', 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator' ]); ``` 2.By passing CreateMeetingParameters object for customize create meeting ```php use BigBlueButton\Parameters\CreateMeetingParameters; $meetingParams = new CreateMeetingParameters($meetingID, $meetingName); $meetingParams->setModeratorPW('moderatorPassword'); $meetingParams->setAttendeePW('attendeePassword'); \Bigbluebutton::create($meetingParams); ``` 3.By passing array it will return CreateMeetingParameters object for overwrite methods ```php $createMeeting = \Bigbluebutton::initCreateMeeting([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'meetingName' => 'test meeting', 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator', ]); $createMeeting->setDuration(100); //overwrite default configuration \Bigbluebutton::create($createMeeting); ``` ##### Upload slides - You can upload slides within the create a meeting call. If you do this, the BigBlueButton server will immediately download and process the [slides](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#pre-upload-slides) ```php \Bigbluebutton::create([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'meetingName' => 'test meeting', 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator', 'presentation' => [ //must be array ['link' => 'https://www.example.com/doc.pdf', 'fileName' => 'doc.pdf'], //first will be default and current slide in meeting ['link' => 'https://www.example.com/php_tutorial.pptx', 'fileName' => 'php_tutorial.pptx'], ], ]); ``` ##### End meeting callback [URL](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#end-meeting-callback-url) - You can ask the BigBlueButton server to make a callback to your application when the meeting ends. Upon receiving the callback your application could, for example, change the interface for the user to hide the ‘join’ button. ##### Note : End meeting callback URL will notify silently, User won't redirect to that page. - For testing endCallbackUrl see [webhook site](https://webhook.site) If you want to redirect users to that page after meeting end then can use logoutURL ```php \Bigbluebutton::create([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'meetingName' => 'test meeting', 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator', 'endCallbackUrl' => 'www.example.com/callback', 'logoutUrl' => 'www.example.com/logout', ]); ``` ##### Recording ready callback [URL](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#recording-ready-callback-url) - You can ask the BigBlueButton server to make a callback to your application when the recording for a meeting is ready for viewing. Upon receiving the callback your application could, for example, send the presenter an e-mail to notify them that their recording is ready ##### Note : Recording ready callback URL will notify silently, User won't redirect to that page. - For testing Recording ready callback see [webhook site](https://webhook.site) ```php \Bigbluebutton::create([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'meetingName' => 'test meeting', 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator', 'bbb-recording-ready-url' => 'https://example.com/api/v1/recording_status', ]); ``` #### Join a meeting - Join meeting ( by default it will redirect into BigBlueButton Server And Join Meeting) [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#join) ```php use JoisarJignesh\Bigbluebutton\Facades\Bigbluebutton; return redirect()->to( Bigbluebutton::join([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'userName' => 'disa', 'password' => 'attendee' //which user role want to join set password here ]) ); ``` - Join meeting but does want to redirect into BigBlueButton server and pass other parameters ```php \Bigbluebutton::join([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'userName' => 'disa', 'password' => 'attendee', //which user role want to join set password here 'redirect' => false, //it will not redirect into bigblueserver 'userId' => "54575", 'customParameters' => [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'key' => 'value' ] ]); ``` #### Get a list of meetings - Get all meetings [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#getmeetings) ```php \Bigbluebutton::all(); //using facade bigbluebutton()->all(); //using helper method ``` #### Get meeting info - Get meeting info [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#getmeetinginfo) ```php use JoisarJignesh\Bigbluebutton\Facades\Bigbluebutton; Bigbluebutton::getMeetingInfo([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator' //moderator password set here ]); ``` #### Is a meeting running - Is meeting running [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#ismeetingrunning) ```php Bigbluebutton::isMeetingRunning([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', ]); Bigbluebutton::isMeetingRunning('tamku'); //second way ``` #### Close a meeting - Close meeting [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#end) ```php use JoisarJignesh\Bigbluebutton\Facades\Bigbluebutton; Bigbluebutton::close([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator' //moderator password set here ]); ``` ### Recording #### Get recordings - Get recordings [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#getrecordings) ```php \Bigbluebutton::getRecordings([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', //'meetingID' => ['tamku','xyz'], //pass as array if get multiple recordings //'recordID' => 'a3f1s', //'recordID' => ['xyz.1','pqr.1'] //pass as array note :If a recordID is specified, the meetingID is ignored. // 'state' => 'any' // It can be a set of states separate by commas ]); ``` #### Publish recordings - Publish Recordings [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#publishrecordings) ```php \Bigbluebutton::publishRecordings([ 'recordID' => 'a3f1s', //'recordID' => ['xyz.1','pqr.1'] //pass as array if publish multiple recordings 'state' => true //default is true ]); ``` #### Delete recordings - Delete recordings [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#deleterecordings) ```php \Bigbluebutton::deleteRecordings([ //'recordID' => 'a3f1s', 'recordID' => ['a3f1s','a4ff2'] //pass array if multiple delete recordings ]); ``` #### Update recordings - Update recordings [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#updaterecordings) ```php \Bigbluebutton::updateRecordings([ //'recordID' => 'a3f1s', 'recordID' => ['a3f1s','a4ff2'] //pass array if multiple delete recordings ]); ``` ### Hooks #### Hooks create - Hooks Create [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/webhooks.html#hookscreate) ```php dd(Bigbluebutton::hooksCreate([ 'callbackURL' => 'example.test', //required 'meetingID' => 'tamku', //optional if not set then hooks set for all meeting id 'getRaw' => true //optional ])); ``` #### Hooks destroy - Hooks Destroy [document](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/webhooks.html#hooksdestroy) ```php dd(Bigbluebutton::hooksDestroy([ 'hooksID' => 33 ])); dd(Bigbluebutton::hooksDestroy('53')); //second way ``` ### Other #### Get api version - Get api version ```php dd(\Bigbluebutton::getApiVersion()); //return as collection ``` ### Unofficial #### Start a meeting - Start meeting (first check meeting is exists or not if not then create a meeting and join a meeting otherwise meeting is exists then it will directly join a meeting) (by default user join as moderator) ```php $url = \Bigbluebutton::start([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'meetingName' => 'test meeting name', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator', //moderator password set here 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', //attendee password here 'userName' => 'John Deo',//for join meeting //'redirect' => false // only want to create and meeting and get join url then use this parameter ]); return redirect()->to($url); ``` ### More Information Read This [wiki](https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-api-php/wiki) ### For Bigbluebutton Api Testing See This [ApiMate](https://mconf.github.io/api-mate/) ### See Bigbluebutton Official dev Api [Bigbluebutton](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html) ### Support <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/joisarjignesh" target="_blank"> <img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/default-orange.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" height="41" width="174"></a> <a href="https://www.paypal.me/joisarjignesh" target="_blank"> <img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" alt="Donate" ></a> ### Changelog Please see [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for more information what has changed recently. ## Contributing Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details. ### Security If you discover any security related issues, please email jigneshjoisar@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker. ## Credits - [Jignesh Joisar](https://github.com/joisarjignesh) - [All Contributors](../../contributors) ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.